Mary and John go sailing every year. They also love to play golf. Sometimes their friends ask them to go cycling, but they don’t like that. They prefer to go horseback-riding. John also plays ice-hockey and Mary loves to go dancing. In the summer they go swimming a lot. John and his friends all play basketball, but Mary prefers to do yoga. When she was young Mary went gymnastics and John went athletics. When it is raining Mary and John like to play chess. But in winter they always go skiing. In spring John likes to go fencing and Mary likes to do karate. Mary especially likes to do aerobics to keep fit.
В вопросах мы используем и some, и any. Мы используем some, когда говорим о человеке или вещи, зная, что они существуют, или думая, что они существуют:
Are you waiting for somebody? (I think you are waiting for somebody)
Вы ждете кого-либо?
Мы используем some в вопросах, когда предлагаем или спрашиваем что-нибудь:
Would you like something to eat? (there is something to eat)
Вы хотели бы что-нибудь поесть?
Can I have some sugar, please? (there is probably some sugar I can have)
Можно мне немного сахара
Но в большинстве вопросов мы используем any. Мы не знаем существует ли человек или вещь:
‘Have you got any luggage?’ ‘No, I haven’t.’
‘У вас есть багаж?’ ‘Нет.’
I can’t find my bag. Has anybody seen it?
Я не могу найти свою сумку. Кто-нибудь видел её?
Мы часто используем any после if:
If there are any letters for me, can you send them on to this address?
Если ко мне будут (какие-нибудь) письма, можете отправить их на этот адрес?
If anyone has any questions, I’ll be pleased to answer them.
Если у кого-нибудь есть какие-либо вопросы, я с радостью на них отвечу.
Let me know if you need anything.
Сообщите (дайте мне знать), если вам что-нибудь понадобится.
В следующих предложениях нет if, но смысл такой же:
I’m sorry for any trouble I’ve caused. (= if I have caused any trouble)
Я извиняюсь за какие-либо причиненные мною проблемы (= если я причинил какие-либо проблемы)
Anyone who wants to do the exam must tell me by Friday. (= if there is anyone)
Все, кто хочет сдать экзамен, должны сообщить мне до пятницы. (= если (есть) кто-нибудь)
Мы также используем any в значении ‘не важно какой; любой’:
You can take any bus. They all go to the centre. (= не важно в какой автобус вы сядете)
‘Sing a song.’ ‘Which song shall I sing?’ ‘Any song. I don’t mind.’ (= любую песню)
Come and see me any time you want.
‘Let’s go out somewhere.’ ‘Where shall we go?’ ‘Anywhere. (Куда угодно.) I just want to go out.’
We left the door unlocked. Anybody could have come in. (Кто угодно мой зайти.)
Сравните something и anything:
A: I’m hungry. I want something to eat. (что-нибудь)
B: What would you like?
A: I don’t mind. Anything. (Всё, что угодно.) (= it doesn’t matter what)
Somebody/someone/anybody/anyone – слова в единственном числе:
Someone is here to see you.
Здесь кто-то хочет тебя видеть.
Но мы часто используем they/them/their после этих слов:
Someone has forgotten their umbrella. (= his or her umbrella)
Кто-то забыл свой зонт. (= его или её зонт)
If anybody wants to leave early, they can. (= he or she can)
Если кто-нибудь хочет уйти пораньше, вы можете это сделать. (= он или она может)
1. Выберите some или any.
We didn’t buy
This evening I’m going out with
friends of mine.
A: Have you seen
good films recently?
B: No, I haven’t been to the cinema for ages.
I didn’t have
money, so I had to borrow
Can I have
milk in my coffee, please?
I was too tired to do
You can cash these traveller’s cheques at
Can you give me
information about places of interest in the town?
With the special tourist train ticket, you can travel on
train you like.
If there are
words you don’t understand, use a dictionary.
2. Закончите предложения с some- или any- + -body/-thing/-where.
I was too surprised to say
at the door. Can you go and see who it is?
mind if I open the window?
I wasn’t feeling hungry, so I didn’t eat
You must be hungry. Would you like
to eat?
Quick, let’s go! There’s
coming and I don’t want
to see us.
Sarah was upset about
and refused to talk to
This machine is very easy to use.
can learn to use it very quickly.
There was hardly
on the beach. It was almost deserted.
‘Do you live
near Joe?’ ‘No, he lives in another part of town.’
‘Where shall we go on holiday?’ ‘Let’s go
warm and sunny.’
They stay at home all the time. They never seem to go
I’m going out now. If
phones while I’m out, can you tell them I’ll be back at 11.30?
Why are you looking under the bed? Have you lost
The police have asked that
who saw the accident should contact them.
‘Can I ask you
?’ ‘Sure. What do you want to ask?’
Sue is very secretive. She never tells
(2 words)
3. Закончите предложения. Используйте any (+ существительное) или anybody/anything/anywhere.
— Which bus do I have to catch?
any bus
. They all go to the centre.
— Which day shall I come?
— I don’t mind.
— What do you want to eat?
. I don’t mind. Whatever you have.
— Where shall I sit?
— It’s up to you. You can sit
you like.
— What sort of job are you looking for?
. It doesn’t matter.
— What time shall I phone tomorrow?
. I’ll be in all day.
— Who shall I invite to the party?
— I don’t mind.
you like.
— Which newspaper shall I buy?
. Whatever they have in the shop.
Вот это вроде правильный ответ