1. Mathematics is loved by many, disliked by a few, admired and respected by all.
2. Facts alone are wanted in life (Ch. Dickens).
3. These parts are made of steel throughout.
4. At this point the material under examination is fed.
5. The treatment of this theory was modified.
6. The possibilities under consideration will be discussed in detail.
7. The invasion of armies is resisted; the invasion of ideas is not (V. Hugo).
8. The initiative was supported by everybody.
1. Математика любима многими, мало кому не нравится, все ей восхищаются и уважает.
2. Только факты нужны в жизни. (Ч. Диккенс).
3. Эти детали сделаны полностью из стали.
4. В этот момент подается исследуемый материал.
5. Трактовка этой теории была изменена.
6. Рассматриваемые возможности будут обсуждены подробно.
7. Вторжению армий сопротивляются; вторжению идей нет (В. Гюго).
8. Инициатива была поддержана всеми.
1. The book was his success.
2. Try to persuade your father to lend us his car.
3. If I am not promoted within the next two years I am going to change jobs.
4. They paid him the value of his lost property.
5. The new government law has enhanced our export trade.
6. Our goods are of high quality so they are in great demand.
7. He advised me to use a waterproof container.
8. I wondered how he was making his living.
9. She refused to accept our offer.
10. It will be more economical to switch the machine off at night.
11. Two years ago the country faced serious financial problems.
12. He receives pocket money from his parents.