1. give out , 2 . give back , 3. gave in , 4. give off , 5. give away
Объяснение: ЭТО ДОЛЖНО ТЕБЕ дарить (подарки), раздавать что-либо, выдавать
He gave away the secret. – Он выдал секрет.
- Give back – возвращать, отдавать.
Give back the book you borrowed. – Верните книгу, которую вы
Give in – поддаваться, уступать; сдавать (письменную работу).
Don’t give in without a fight. – Не сдавайся без борьбы.
Give off – испускать, издавать (запах, дым, свет, тепло).
This lamp gives off a very bright light. – Это лампа очень ярко
Give out – распределять, объявлять , кончаться.
His strength gave out after running that long distance. – Его силы
закончились, когда он пробежал такое длинное расстояние.
1. Every day he tells us something interesting.
2. He is told something interesting every day.
3. I often send letters to my friends.
4. I am often sent to the South.
5. I always praise my friends.
6. I am always praised at home.
7. Every Saturday my father shows my grades to the grandfather.
6. Every Saturday the father is shown my grades.
9. We often remember you.
10. We are often remembered in the village.
11. They give me some juice every morning.
12. Every morning I give milk to the cat.
13. I am often invited to the movies.
14. My sister is often helped at school.
15. I sometimes forget to take my school diary.
16. He writes a lot of letters.
17. A. Christie's books are read with interest.
18. Dogs love bones.
19. Dogs are loved in many families.
20. When does your family drink tea?
21. Where are old letters kept?
22. Why are these rules always forgotten?
23. Why do you always forget these rules?
24. Where do your friends live?
25. Where is the bread bought?
26. When are the questions asked?
Soon every person in the world will have an essential holiday, I mean the New year, and we have to prepare gifts for each other. People know how difficult it is to choose a good gift, and the same goes for me. I have no idea what gifts I can give my family, although there are many ways to choose the best way.
I want to try making a gift with my own hands for my mother, because it's always nice to know that it was made with love. I'm going to give her a Dollhouse, because my mother loved some toys as a child, especially dolls.
I've already started giving her a present and I think she'll like it. I wish everyone to find a good idea for a gift . Happy New Year