Жюль Верн жил в Нанте - на западном побережье Франции. Он любил море, и когда ему было всего 12, он попытался сбежать на корабле в Вест-Индию. К несчастью для него, моряки поймали его и отправили домой. У Жюля было отличное воображение, он написал несколько приключенческих историй и создал загадочных персонажей, таких как капитан Немо. В «Двадцати тысячах лье под водой» капитан Немо путешествует по морю на своей подводной лодке «Наутилус». В своих путешествиях он встречает странных морских существ и находит подводный город.
Hello Jim,
I was very glad to have received your last letter. Well, your plans for wintry holidays are amazing! Here, I would like to tell you what I am going to do during my holidays.
So, I will definitely spend my holidays out of the city. My father takes me to the countryside where we have a fishing lodge. I have already been there a couple of times and I can honestly say the place is comfortable and has everything one needs to spend some time there. We will take a couple of fishing rods with us and of course, we will take an ice-breaker to cut the ice on the lake.
Incidentally, we are going to the same lake you and I visited three years ago, but at that time my family didn't own the fishing lodge. As you can see me and my dad are going to spend most of my holidays fishing and hunting. I guess my father will also take a rifle with him, though my mom is opposed to this idea. As for me, I am going to take my camera to capture some unforgettable events that we will undoubtedly have during our journey.
Well, I think that's all. Jim, I promise I will write to you another letter after we have come back.
Sincerely, your friend, тут свое имя на англ.
2. Sam didn't do his homework last night
3. We didn't walk home from school yesterday afternoon
4. Kelly didn't go to school on Monday (здесь нет этого глагола, но другой не подходит)
5. We didn't spend three weeks in France - only two.
6. My cousin didn't send me an email yesterday
7. They didn't win the volleyball match yesterday
8. We didn't take any photos at the party