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03.04.2022 03:13 •  Английский язык

Man has always been a builder. The kind of house he built in the beginning depended on the climate, on his enemies and on the building material at hand. The first houses in many parts of the world were made of wood, for in those days the greater part of the earth was covered with forests. In other regions the most convenient building material was stone. Although houses were built without cement, the remains of a few of them still exist. The ancient Egyptians built very simple houses by present standards.
Having dried the bricks in the sun they put up four walls and above these they placed a flat roof. The roof was flat because there was very little rain in Egypt. Although their buildings were simple in construction, the Egyptian art of building was very beautiful. Their pyramids and monuments, sphinxes and palaces arouse our wonder to this day.
The first lessons in the art of making columns were given to the world in ancient Egypt.
In our country architecture flourished for the first time in Kiev Russ. Unfortunately, only a few of the church buildings of that period have remained. The churches of the time were strong buildings with thick walls and small windows. They often had to serve as fortresses during enemy invasions. Tourists from all over the world come to see the famous Cathedral of St. Sophia in Polotsk the cornerstone of which was laid in 1037 to commemorate the victory over the Pechenegs.
Since then the architecture and structural materials have been greatly changed. A very advanced construction technique today is the use of precast concrete. According to this method the reinforced concrete units are manufactured at a factory and are then simply assembled at the construction site. This method helped our country to restore its economy after the Second World War, when many residential as well as industrial buildings were destroyed.
The first blocks made of prefabricated units appeared in the villages in the Volgograd and Moscow regions.
At present, the building industry is the largest in Belarus and it holds an important place in the National Economy of our country. Many high- ly-educated civil engineers, who are trained at Belarusian universities, skilled and unskilled workers are engaged in construction. Builders use many new materials such as reinforced concrete, precast concrete, light weight concrete, gas concrete, many decorative materials, oil paints, wall paper. Synthetics are among them. Such traditional materials as stone, brick, wood are in great use as well. Various elements and components are assembled on the site.
Now everywhere in Belarus vibro-rolled panels are being widely used in construction. The assembly method is developing into the main method of apartment and industrial construction.
All the working processes are mechanized. Modern construction can’t be imagined without building machinery. Lorries, cranes, bulldozers, excavators are available at all construction sites of Belarus. Prefabricated
structures are transported by lorries and immediately hoisted into position. Finished blocks of prefabricated flats with interior decoration are assembled on many construction sites. Transport brings a complete flat to the prepared foundations of a building. A powerful gantry-crane lifts the 18 – 20 ton flat and carefully sets it on the foundation. After the final inspection, electricians, plumbers and gas-men can begin their work.
As a result our country builds more than any other country of the former Soviet Union. Thanks to special government’s programmes thousands of Belarusian people get flats every year. Flats have all modem conveniences, such as hot and cold water supply, central heating, lifts, ventilating plants, etc.
The building industry is paid much attention in our country as it affects greatly the general level of living.​

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The old-interest-holder Mootz knows what you need

Studying this fantastic story and comparing it with the biographies of great traders, willy-nilly you begin to believe in time travel. A good example is the old trader Ingeborg Mootz.

The biography of the millionaire is well known, unlike the story with Andrew, but up to 75 years she had never heard of stock trading. After the death of her husband, the elderly lady inherited 1,000 shares of VEBA, which cost not more than 4000 marks. The sale of the inheritance for 6 months allowed Ingeborg to double its capital. She reinvested the received funds in shares of 2 banks: IKB DeutscheIndustriebank and Commerzbank, earning 130% of profit on it. Each subsequent transaction inevitably became profitable and Frau successfully earned 3,000,000 euros, starting in 1997 with a modest sum of 4,000 DM. The story is no less amazing than the case with Andrew, except that Frau has a sense of proportion, and she knows how to trade without attracting excessive attention.

The old woman herself, a percentage-woman, assures that, without special education and the necessary knowledge, she earns millions, guided solely by intuition. Now the grandmother is engaged in financial consulting and, if you find the number of her disk phone, which she uses to this day, you can get a good advice for only 23 euros.

Homeless millionaire and stock speculator

Perhaps there is no mystery in the story of the homeless financier Chris Gardner, whose biography depicts the film "In pursuit of happiness" with Will Smith in the title role.

The path to success for Chris lay through the thorns, when he was left without a livelihood with a young son in his arms and even without a place of permanent residence. Night in the subway and shelters, he was a trainee in the company Dean Witter Reynolds and through incredible efforts passed an excellent exam, getting work from a broker Bear Stearns. In just 5 years he created his own office Gardner Rich & Co, which became one of the best futures companies in the US.

So how can you make big money on the exchange, using a time machine or working incessantly? Many answers are revealed by the biography of Jesse Livermore's "Memoirs of the Exchange Speculator", which contains key trade principles. Known in the 20s of the XX century, a trader and financier reveals the secret secrets of the market, accessible to the understanding of uninformed people and hidden in his famous quotations:

it is necessary to trade alone, since this is a game of one;
To understand how to make money, you must learn to correctly assess the conditions;
the only ally of the trader is the basic conditions of the market;
always and everywhere only fools from Wall Street trade - we need to open deals, only having on hand objective factors that promise a profit.
Guided by the principles of the outstanding stock market speculator Livermore, the intuition of the old Mootz, making efforts comparable to Gardner's efforts, and, perhaps, sometimes using the Karlsin time machine, everyone can get rich in the market that was created for this. Every person who earns money on the exchange goes his own way, but does not follow the beaten path carefully worn by others. It is important to understand that the money revolving on Wall Street, never sleep, which is described in an accessible form for the movie "Wall Street: Money does not sleep." The film tells about the fate of a stockbroker who came out after 10 years in prison and managed to earn $ 1,000,000,000 in a mortgage crisis in the US in 2008.

Learn the success stories and create your own fairy tale, however at first glance it might seem fantastic. Surely, you do not have Carlsin's time machine, but there is certainly intuition, like old Mootz, and there is a bit of common sense Livemore. Then, with the effort of Gardner, you can take your million from Wall Street - preferably it does not get into the FBI development.
4,6(65 оценок)
1.He bought his car in Poland.Он купил свою машину в Польше. 2.She became famous after she wrote this novel.Она стала известной, после того как написала этот роман. 3.Mike gave me this advice.Майк дал мне этот совет. 4.I met him in the street yesterday.Я встретил его на улице вчера. 5.we went to the theatre yesterday.Мы ходили в театр вчера. 6.John fell and hurt his knee an hour ago.Джон упал и ушиб колено час назад. 7.They spent their weekend in Switzerland.Они провели выходные в Швейцарии. 8.Last Sunday Tina got up at 9 o'clock. В воскресенье Тина встала в 9 часов. 9.He built a fence around his house last year.Он построил забор вокруг своего дома в году. 10.My friend left our town in December.Мой друг покинул наш город (уехал из города) в декабре.
4,8(81 оценок)
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