once upon a time there lived a man in the city of ktograd, and his name was grinch. he was all green and hairy, no one loved him. grinch was offended by the ktovichs and went to live on a lonely mountain, blown by all the winds. he sat there in his cave and was angry with the whole world. most of all, the grinch hated christmas. while the entire population of ktograd was having fun from the heart, the barometer of the grinch’s always bad mood showed something terrible. every christmas became a terrible torture for the green hermit. and then once an evil mountain resident decided to end this holiday once and for all. while the carefree ktovitch slept sweetly on the pre-night, the treacherous grinch decided to steal their christmas from the townspeople.
Задание 1.
1. Michael went to Washington last week to visit his parents. — Past Simple, т.к «last week» (на неделе).
2. My sister got married in Moscow in 2007. — Past Simple, т.к «in 2007» это событие, которое произошло в
3. Beethoven was a great composer. — Past Simple, т.к в данном предложении нет никакой связи с настоящим – описывается то, что было в
4. It hasn't rained this week. — Present Perfect, т.к «this week» (на этой неделе) имеет отношение к настоящему, это означает, что неделя еще не закончилась.
5. Have you seen Ann recently? — Present Perfect.
Задание 2.
1. Tom lost his key yesterday.
3. I have called him 3 times already.
4. We met with our friends last weekend.
7. The plane landed 20 minutes ago.
8. It is my first car. I have never driven a car before.
Задание 3.
1. I have never been to China.
2. They have known each other since childhood.
3. Jane left school in 2000.
4. Yesterday I went to the park.
5. He has just talked to his mother