Міні твір "чому люди ніколи не подорожують літаком"
На мою думку люди не подорожують літаком по декілткох причинах: страх, знання інших зручніших шляхів, не достатній комфорт. Багато хто з людей моє страх висоти, адже літаки літають дуже високо. Також лякаючим може бути страх впасти. Деяким людям зручніше та спокійніше подорожувати потягом, або ж автівкою. На перший погляд може здатися що літак виглядає не дуже надійно. Але це найбезпечніший іб подорожей. Людині може не подобатися кількість людей які знаходитимуться з ними в невиликому просторі.
1) If you BOIL water, it TURNS to steam.
2) If I WERE an astronaut, I WOULD TAKE the photos of Turkey from space.
3) If you PUT a stone in the water, it GOES down.
4) If you PUT oil into water, it FLOATS.
5) If there WERE no water onearth, we WOULDN'T EXIST.
6) If you WERE a bird, where WOULD you FLY to?
7) Anna WILL PASS the test if she STUDIES hard enough.
8) If you HEAT ice it MELTS.
9) I WOULDN'T DO that if I WERE you.
10) If he GETS any worse, I WILL TAKE him to the doctor's.
11) If the snow GETS any worse, we WILL HAVE TO stop walking.
12) If ice MELTS, it TURNS to water
1. James is in his room, he has been playing there since the morning.
2. For 3 hours now we have been chatting about it and we haven’t come to any decision yet.
3. Jane, do you know where my hat is? I have been looking for it for half an hour and I can’t find it.
4. Your cousin has been dancing with that red-haired girl since she came into the room.
5. He has been trying to solve this problem for several months now but he hasn’t found a solution yet.
6. He has been teaching at school for twenty years.
7. Mr. Smith has been working in his room since early morning.
8. The children have been sleeping for 5 hours.