Выберите подходящее из выделенных слов и вставьте его в предложение. 1. research/researcher a. defining the problem is often the hardest step in the process. b. when the problem has been carefully defined, the sets objectives. 2. collecting/ collection a. primary calls for decisions about the research approaches. b. the second step involves developing a plan for the information. implementation/ implemented a. the work must be monitored to make sure the plan is correctly. b. phase is generally the most expensive and the most subject to error. municated/ communication a. insects such as ants have a highly effective system of_ . b. through signs that she wanted to drink. 5. analyzes/ analysis a. george a situation and suggests solutions. b. he offers a calm of the situation.
My hobby isn't dangerous and it is quiet. I have had my hobby for two years.
I started my hobby when my friend told me about it.
For my hobby I use my smartphone and headphones (телефон и наушники). I need my headphones not to disturb people around me. (наушники нужны, чтобы не мешать окружающим)
I usually do my hobby an hour a day. If it is weekend, then I can spend more time on it.
I like my hobby because it helps me to learn new things, to have fun and make new friends.
(My hobby is watching anime)