1. Were you at the Zoo last Sunday? – Yes, I ...
a) were c) was
b) am d) did
2. My aunt ... in Lviv last winter.
a) go c) is
b) were d) was
3. Her grandparents ... at home yesterday.
a) did c) was
b) were d) wasn’t
4. Where ... your elder sister last summer holidays?
a) was c) were
b) went d) is
5. My classmates ... play volleyball yesterday.
a) weren’t c) did
b) didn’t d) wasn’t
6. Last Saturday she ... her mum about the house.
a) didn’t c) was
b) help d) helped
7. My best friend ... me his favourite book last month.
a) gived c) was
b) gives d) gave
I'm as happy as a child
(Я счастлив как ребёнок)
Применяется конструкция as...as.
Конструкция as … as переводится на русский язык «такой же…как, так же…как». Мы используем ее, когда говорим, что два предмета/человека схожи в чем-либо.
В нашу конструкцию мы вставляем то качество (большой, красивый, умный, быстрый), которое является одинаковым для обоих предметов/людей. Мы ставим его между as и as: as big as (такой большой как), as smart as (такой умный как). Схема такого предложения будет следующей: Предмет/человек + глагол to be + as + качество + as + второй предмет/человек
Источник контента: https://easyspeak.ru/blog/vsyo-o-grammatike/ispolzovanie-sravnitelnyh-konstrukcij-as-as-i-not-as-as-v-anglijskom-yazyke
Helen invited me to come to the Happy Birthday at my home. It start at five o'clock on 5 October.She says they are going to hsve great fun. They're going to dancing, playing games and having to Happy Birthday tea.
You can to come with me?
Best Wishes,
Ну и твое им'я