. And now tell me what types of mass media do you know?
(TV, the Internet, newspapers and radio)
But what are their definitions? Your task is to match the words and their
1. Television
2. Newspaper
3. Tabloid
4. The Internet
5. Radio
a) a paper printed and sold usually daily or weekly with news,
advertisements etc.;
b) the process of sending and receiving messages through the
air; broadcasting programmes for people to listen to;
c) broadcasting programmes (the news, plays, advertisements,
shows, etc.) for people to watch on their television sets;
d) a newspaper with rather small pages, many pictures and
little serious news;
e) a way to communicate with your partner who might be a
thousand miles away using the computer (e-mails).
Задание 2. Напишите недостающую информацию. You know that
newspapers are very popular among people, don’t you? Do you like reading
P: Yes, I do.
T: What newspapers do the members of your family prefer reading? F.eg. your
P: My mother likes reading …
T: What are the main types of newspapers in Britain?
P: The main types of British newspapers are quality newspapers and tabloids.
T: What do people read newspapers for?
P: They want to learn some news (TV programme, horoscopes, weather forecast,
Задание 3. Прочитайте текст. Используйте слова, написанные заглавными
буквами в конце каждой строчки, чтобы образовать однокоренное слово,
которое подходит к пропуску в этом предложении.
In Britain there are 12 national (1) newspapers DAY
and most people read one of (2) every day.
Daily newspapers are (3) on every day
of the week except Sunday. Sunday newspapers are
(4) than daily newspapers. All the Sunday
newspapers are (5) . Most national news-
papers in Britain express a (6) opinion,
and people (7) the newspaper that they
read according to (8) own political
(9) .
40 c
41 b
42 d
43 d
44 d
45 a
46 b
48 d
49 d
50 a
51 b
52 e
53 a
54 c
55 b
56 b
57 c
58 a
59 c
60 a
6 a