Познакомьтесь с Алмагуль, молодой писательницей из Астаны. В ее удивительной новой истории отважный мальчик по имени Дамир возвращается в и знакомится с героями из истории Казахстана. Они возвращаются в настоящее, чтобы мир от ужасной катастрофы.
Центр искусств
Тебе нравятся динозавры и монстры? Научись рисовать своих любимых животных с Ником Россом. Ник - популярный художник из Англии. Его новая книга «Монстры и я» - забавная история о его приключениях в поисках костей динозавров в необычных местах.
Узнайте, как стать детективом, и разгадывайте загадочные преступления с Кристиной, автором множества рассказов о блестящем детективе Хелен Теннант. Вы можете принять участие в живом представлении и сыграть знаменитого детектива - или преступника!
The Dombra
The dombra is a beautiful string instrument. They called it the queen of Kazakh instruments. It's got a pear-shaped wooden body with a long neck and two strings. Traditionally people made the strings from sinew but today we are using only nylon ones. The dombra is an instrument with a long history. Many Kazakh families have at least one person who can play it. A man usually play on dombra on its own or use it to accompany traditional songs. It sounds great as part of band, too. Some bands even use electric dombras to create music.
The Tin Whistle.
The tin whistle is a traditional Irish wind instrument that looks like a small flute. Today people make it from a long narrow brass tube with six holes and a plastic mouthpiece. Irish people have played the tin whistle since ancient times and it is one of the most popular instruments in Irish traditional music. We also call it the penny* whistle because in the past many beggars played it in the streets for money. Today, many musicians play it in many styles of music. The theme song of the 1997 film Titanic, 'My Heart Will Go On', features an Irish tin whistle.
Sport in Great Britain
National sport in Great Britain… This is a very interesting questions, because many kinds of sport have taken their origin in spite of the fact that some of them neither play games nor even watch them. They only like to talk about sports. Some kinds of sport are professional in England. Popular and famous players have a lot of money. Many traditional sporting contests take place in England, for example, cricket. There are many cricket clubs in this country. English people like to play cricket, they think that summer without cricket isn’t summer. If you want to play cricket you must wear white boots, a white shirt and long white trousers. There are 2 teams. Each team has eleven players