7. Rewrite the sentences below using the correct form of an adverb. 1) There was some heavy rain last night.
Yes, it rained very heavily.
2) Aren't the children quiet?
Yes, they're working very
3) James has a loud voice.
Yes, he always talks very
4) Isn't the teacher angry?
Yes, he's shouting very
5) Dilora's very happy today!
Yes, she's laughing very
6) The telephone rang in the middle of the night. Nurlan was very
He answered it very
7) Kate likes playing slow music.
Yes, she's playing this piece very
Начался миллениум с модой, которую привнесли в массы поп-певицы. Стиль игривой школьницы пытались повторить и молодые девушки, и взрослые дамы. Короткие вещи, позволяющие продемонстрировать плоский животик и идеальные ножки, были в фаворе.