It is Friday evening and my friends and I (незнаю)at the disco. Some people are dancing on the dance floor. Some people are sitting down and drinking Coke. My friends are talking and laughing(или как там...). We are going to the disco every week. We usually drinking Coke and dancing. как-то так Этой пятницей вечером я и мои друзья были в(на) диско. Несколько человек танцуют на танцполе. Ещё несколько сидят и пьют Колу. Мои друзья разговаривают и смеются. Мы ходим на дискотеку каждую неделю. Мы обычно пьём Колу и танцуем.
Sleep is a physiological process that allows our body to relax and rest. In the process of sleep, the body's activity slows down and reaction to the surrounding world decreases.
There are three types of dreams:
1. Inconsistent and confused (this kind of sleep is a delirium of the mind and therefore has no particular value);
2. An inconsistent dream, in which different subjects and actions are replaced (this kind of sleep is a reflection of the impressions received in the past);
3. A bright, clear and consistent dream, which remains for a long time in memory;
People spend one third of their lives in a dream, and therefore a person tries to make their sleep conscious.
The main function of sleep is resting the body from daily loads. During sleep, the immune system is restored, so that in a dream organism actively fights against various diseases. In the process of sleep, the received information per day is fixed in the mind.
The relationship between a person's health and sleep:
1. After one sleepless night, our ability to remember information and work efficiently is reduced by 30%;
2. Lack of sleep reduces the ability to digest food by 30%;
3. Lack of sleep increases the level of the stress hormone in the body. Thus, when we do not get enough sleep, we do not resist stress badly .;
4. Chronic lack of sleep accelerates the aging of the body;
5. When we get enough sleep, our brain works better;
A healthy sleep is vital for the full functioning of our body. From the quality of sleep depends the work of all systems of the body. And, of course, from lack of sleep, the brain suffers first.
We want to create an invention that will be called the "Dream Generator". The device will allow people to see conscious dreams, that is, those that he wants, because positive dreams have a beneficial effect on the health and mood of a person. Our generator will consist of a graphic tablet (on it, a person will be able to "draw" or program his sleep, and also a dream tablet will be recorded on a graphic tablet); Glasses that will carry a programmed sleep on the retina of the eye and electrodes, through which dreams will be recorded. Thus, a person can decide for himself what dreams and see him, and also view them at any time.
So, sleep is the most ordinary and most mysterious process that occurs with the human body. But nevertheless, this process is one of the most important, because without sleep a person can live only 11 days, and a daily eight-hour night rest restores the physical and mental strength of the body, replenishes energy resources and gives the opportunity to live a long and full life.
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