Dan …(watch) TV when the lights went out.
2 They were very tired. They…(travel) for more than five hours. 3 The football players (play) for an hour when it (start) raining. 4 Mark (study) French for 5 years before he (move) to Paris. 5 When it … (start) raining, he was in the garden. 6 We…(hope) to go on holiday, but we couldn't afford it and stayed at home. 7 (be) happy because he…(win) the lottery. 8 She…(live) in New York in 2007. 9 Mary…(make) up her mind not to take part in the competition.
Письмо - letter
Новая почта - new post office
Красивая открытка - beautiful postcard
Белая бумага - white paper
Синяя и черная ручки - blue and black pens
Забавный плакат - funny poster
Старая марка - old stamp
Считать марки - count stamps
Красный почтовый ящик - red post box
Второе письмо - second letter
Писать адрес - write address
Посмотреть на плакат - look at the poster
Английский почтальон - english postman
Нарисовать открытку - draw postcard
Иметь много конвертов и марок - have a lot of envelopes and stamps
Составление предложений
Daddy, can you help me send the letter?
Behind the corner open new post office!
I drew a beautiful postcard
Give me white paper, please!
I need blue and black pens to test
I laughed until I fell down when I saw a funny poster
I'm find a lot of old stamps
We began counting stamps
We made a new red post box
Mum, can you send the second letter?
I write the address on the letter
Look at the poster on which the kittens are painted! How so cute and adorable
In post office new english postman - Jake Pennington
I want to draw the postcard!
We've got a lot of envelopes and stamps