JK Rowling explained why his aunt and uncle loved his nephew. "Some readers wanted the farewell of aunt Petunia and Harry in the final book it took warmer," admitted the author of the novels. However, in her opinion, the manifestation of feelings for Harry from the side of the aunt would be contrary to the previously described characters of the Dursleys. But still aunt felt some responsibility for Harry and so agreed to take it on education. Rowling said that uncle Vernon did not like the boy because of the relationship to his father. Curiously, Severus Snape who was tormented at school, Harry also disliked it because of James Potter.
In addition, Rowling revealed that Minerva McGonagall, Deputy headmaster of Hogwarts, and the traitor Peter Pettigrew was the most concerns the sorting hat. It turned out that they were the only students of the school, which hat has spent more than five minutes. Long hat wavered between Gryffindor and Kostenfreiem when turned on the little head of Minerva. But Pettigrew, like Harry Potter, could get into Gryffindor or Slytherin. Moreover, the writer spoke briefly about the significance of colors in alchemy.
Прочитайте примечания, а затем написать историю о Беатрикс Поттер, используя соответствующие формы. Когда она -grow до Беатрикс Поттер -be-очень любят животных и -Всегда рисовать - фотографии своего домашнего кролика / Она - зарабатывать на жизнь в качестве иллюстратора в течение нескольких лет, прежде чем ее мечта стать автором -Ну правда / Это - быть результатом письма - она - больного ребенка, описывающего приключения четырех кроликов / она - позже опубликовать его - как "Повесть о Петре Кролик" / It -become - мгновенный успех и больше сказок - следуют / к тому времени, Беатрикс - умереть - она - написать более двадцати пяти сказок и - добиться признания в качестве одного величайших детских писателей.
In addition, Rowling revealed that Minerva McGonagall, Deputy headmaster of Hogwarts, and the traitor Peter Pettigrew was the most concerns the sorting hat. It turned out that they were the only students of the school, which hat has spent more than five minutes. Long hat wavered between Gryffindor and Kostenfreiem when turned on the little head of Minerva. But Pettigrew, like Harry Potter, could get into Gryffindor or Slytherin. Moreover, the writer spoke briefly about the significance of colors in alchemy.