1. 1 - c, 2 - a, 3 - c, 4 - b, 5 - b, 6 - d, 7 - a, 8 - c, 9 - a, 10 - b 2. a) 1. My working day begins at 7 o'clock. 2. He doesn't take a bus to his factory. 3. What does she do on Saturday evenings? b) 1. Mr Smith fixed his car yesterday morning. 2. The students were in Russian Museum. 3. What did your brother do yesterday? c) 1. I will go to my doctor tomorrow. 2. His wife won't water flowers in the garden. 3. What will you do tomorrow? d) 1. He's helping his father now. 2. I'm not sleeping now. 3. What are they talking about? 3. 1. He turns on the television to watch cartoons every morning. 2. I went to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 3. I'll go to the cinema tomorrow. 4. I was very busy last summer and i didn't go there. 5. He won't get up at nine o'clock tomorrow. 6. Did u watch TV yesterday? 7. Who will take care of the child in the future? 8. When did you leave home for school yesterday? 9. Did you have a PT lesson yesterday? - No, I didn't. 10. What will you buy at the shop tomorrow? - I'll buy a ..
Лексике и грамматике УЧЕНИЯ4. Подставьте подчеркнутые слова синонимами из текста.1. Огонь сразу же покрывается прилегающих зданий.2. В процессе горения тепла и света выделяется.3. Легковоспламеняющиеся жидкости должны храниться вдали от любого источника воспламенения.4. -ое имеет место, когда достаточное количество воздуха доступно.5. В стартовом этапе пожара производит водяной пар, углекислый газ идругие газы.6. Если какой-либо из трех факторов, необходимых для горения устраненагорение прекратится.7. Немногие вещества сильно окисляется даже при комнатной температуре.8. Скорость горения является вторым фактором, определяющим воспламеняемостиматериал.9. Температура изделия из дерева в комнате была поднята до его воспламененияпункт.10. Вуд врывается пламя самопроизвольно при температурах выше520 F.
1. The pupils HAVE WRITTEN a dictation.
2. My friend HAS HELPED me to solve a difficult problem.
3. I HAVE LEARNT a poem.
4. She HAS TOLD them an interesting story.
5. Kate HAS SWEPT the floor.
6. The waiter HAS PUT a bottle of lemonade in front of him.
7. I HAVE EATEN my breakfast.
8. We HAVE DRUNK water.
9. He HAS BROUGHT them some meat and vegetables.
10. You HAVE PUT the dishes on the table.
11. They HAVE HAD tea.
12. She HAS TAKEN the dirty plates from the table.
13. The children HAVE PUT on their coats.
14. Susan HAS MADE a new dress for her birthday party.
15. She HAS OPENED a box of chocolates.
16. I HAVE BOUGHT milk for milk shakes.
17. James HAS ORDERED a bottle of apple juice.
18. We HAVE LOOKED for more CDs with good music.