Peter and Diane have got a brother.
Подлежащее — Peter and Diane (два человека, зн., множественное число)
Сказуемое — have (т. к. соотносится с подлежащим в мн. ч.)
1. It's impossible to play
on this pitch because the ball won't bounce,
2. They accused his youngest son of breaking
the fence.
3. I blamed him for not helping
me with my homework. That's why I got a bad mark.
4. I would like to know why he insisted on doing
this alone.
5. I suggest going
for a walk this afternoon. How about it?
6. The doctor advised him not to go
swimming because of his cold.
7. I managed to balance my account without taking
out a new loan.
8. I can't afford to spend
money on new clothes.
9. She can't tolerate not being
the centre of attention.
10. I regret to say
that the event must be cancelled due to the circumstances.
11. Dad demanded to know
what I was doing up at this time of the night.
12. For some people it's difficult to get used to waking
up early in the morning.
Peter and Diane have got a brother.