In the history of our country there are many significant and well-known names, but i want to tell about our president - vladimir vladimirovich putin. vladimir vladimirovich is a very educated, honest person and an experienced politician. vyros v.v. putin in a simple family and so he had to do everything himself, and this shows that he is also a motivated person. the president is the person of our country and therefore it is important that he is respected not only in our country, but also in other states. listening to the news and parents' conversations, i know that now our country has a difficult time, but we all trust our president and fully trust him. i believe that he understands the needs of ordinary people and is able to bring order to the state. if i had the opportunity to vote, i would not hesitate to give my vote for vladimir vladimirovich
1. (Looking) 20 years ahead isn't easy. - Нелегко заглянуть на 20 лет вперед. 2. (Launching) a new product is essential for survival of a company. - Запуск в производство нового продукта имеет важное значение для сохранения компании. 3. (Working) on an assembly line sometimes can be very boring. - Работа на конвейере иногда может быть очень скучной. 4. (Being) fired is always a shock. – Быть уволенным - всегда потрясение. 5. (Farming) has always involved hard physical labor. – Сельcкое хозяйство всегда требует использование тяжелого физического труда. 6. (Forming) a corporation is not always easy. – Создать корпорацию - не всегда просто. 7. (Leading) a team is a key management function. Руководство коллективом является основной функцией менежмента. 8. (Increasing) sales means getting more customers for the product. Увеличение объема продаж означает привлечение большего количества покупателей. 9. (Controlling) the company's finances is very important. - Очень важно управлять финансами компании.
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