I have a dad and his name is Danya. He is 34 years old. He [прямо сейчас или всегда?] is wearing/wears a blue shirt and brown trousers. He has brown shoes as well. He is blonde and he is hugging mum. She is 32 years old. She is a redhead. Her coat colour matches her hair colour. She is wearing blue trousers and green shoes. My uncle Žomart[?] is standing beside my mum. He's 17 years old. He's favourite T - shirt is a t - shirt with a print: number 1. He's a redhead. He also has blue trousers and green shoes. I also have a brother and a sister. My brother's name is Nurzhan [?], he's 11 years old. He's wearing a blue T - Shirt and green shorts. He is also wearing green sneakers. He is blonde. My sister's name is Leila [?], she's 10 years old. She loves the pink colour, this is why her bracelet, t - shirt and shoes are pink. There's a cat printed on her T - Shirt. She is also wearing red trousers. She's blonde. And of course, there's me. My name is Jessie and I am 7 years old. I am a redhead and I am wearing a green T - shirt with flowers and a yellow skirt. And I also have beautiful red shoes. I am the only one, wearing a skirt in this picture.
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За и Против ГОтовых домашних заданий
As a rule, books on ready-made homework are divided into classes and subjects, but may differ by authorship.
Finished homework can be a good helper. It is not necessary to rewrite solutions without thinking - one can in fact take them as an example, use their example to analyze solution algorithms, and so on. In the end, even the use of ready-made homework as a cheat sheet and a banal rewriting is a subconscious study of the material.
However, Ready homework can and do harm if used incorrectly. With daily rewriting of answers in order to quickly cope with homework, the child will no longer absorb new material, to think logically and creatively in general.