Поставьте артикли ,где необходимо. is country. 2some animals live there. is ..very beautiful mountain. famous city in this country is . 5 we studied at school.
I believe that in choosing a profession, you need to listen to the Soviets of parents, not friends. Parents will be able to correctly explain why and why This profession is needed now. And friends because of a lack of life experience, can only be knocked off the right path. Of course, one whose example and his own interest is important, T.K. I make the final decision myself AND I MUST BASIS. also need to consider. You also need to take into account your own skills and abilities in a certain area, otherwise you can simply not be able to withstand the required loads. The popularity of this profession is not as important as its location, because you always want to work in comfortable or even at home. IF YOU JUST WANT GRULTS, WALK!
I try to listen to the advice of parents about their future2. I believe that the child himself should choose whom he will be in the future instead of his parents.3. After completing school graduates there is a problem as the exam and career choices.4. I try a good student to pass the exam but sometimes it is not easy.5. I have not chosen a subject that will take the exam.6. I agree with the fact that many in our time disappointed in the profession for which they have learned probably because they were not satisfied with their earnings.7.no if a man disappointed in his profession in our time can be learned about another profession at any time at any age.8.ochen important to choose a profession that interests you because you are in it most of the time of his life.9.After my opinion there is no useless works because each work brings a profit, and then some fruit.10.I learned about professions that are taught at the universities there is a completely different direction eg translator, mathematician, physicist, doctor, etc.11.For me the most is a good thing - books.12.moi parents believe that I will have a good career if I'm not lazy.
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