Hi Jane,
We’re having a party on the occasion of my 19 anniversary on Saturday 15 May at my new house. It starts about 7.30 p.m. I have invited about 42 people. You can get to my house on the number 12 bus 1) from the station.
Get 2) off the bus 3) before the bridge. Go 4) over the bridge and 5) down the stairs. Go 6) past the baker’s to the traffic lights. Walk 7) across the street and turn 8) left (или right) to the florist’s. Go 9) up Newton Road – it goes 10) along the river. Don’t take second turn 11) though, walk 12) under the arch. We’re number 233, 13) next to the park.
Hope to see you there,
1. I get a lot of presents at Christmas.
2. My birthday is in autumn.
3. We celebrate Easter in April.
4. School begins on September 1 st.
5. I'm going to have a party at the weekend .
6. Do you play jokes on April Fool's Day?
Football is a huge part of my life, personally for me it's not just a game. I've enjoyed football since I was 12 and it has already brought me lots of good and bad emotions and memories. To begin with, I'd say that doubtless football is the best sport in the whole world because it's played everywhere and everybody know about it. Also, I consider the game to be a good way to relax from the school and studying at all. Therefore, I must say that football is the best thing I've discovered last few years and I will love it forever.
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