Перевод во Что случилось с Вики в один из последних дней четверти? 2. Почему в тот день Вики пошла домой по долгому пути? 3. Почему Вики была шокирована, когда проходила по роще? 4. Какая мысль пришла к Вики, когда она увидела беспорядок? 5. Кто Вики выполнить работу? 6. Что сделали пять девочек? 7. Что подруги сделали на следующий день? 8. Что рассказал мистер Бёрд о результате экологического кризиса? 9. Почему мистер Бёрд и класс похвалили девочек и ее четверых друзей? 10. Почему все ученики решили присоединиться к «Обществу по очистке сельской местности» Вики?
ответы на во
Task 1.
1. Не is the strongest boy in my school.
2. Kate is the youngest of my five sisters.
3. Sam is worse than his brother..
4. Mr. Everest is higher than Mr. Blanc..
5. My brother is the best at swimming.
Task 2.
1. She’s got some books.
2. Has he got any sweets?
3. They haven’t got any apples.
4. I have got some milk .
5. Can I have some water, please?
Task 3.
1. My sister doesn't read magazines every day
2. . She went to school yesterday.
3. Did they buy a new house a month ago?
4. . Sally Smith works at school.
5. Children will play hockey tomorrow.
6. Mum is watchingTV at the moment
Task 4.
1. They are mad on football
2. Sam is good at Maths.
3. I am interested in Art.
4.. Barbara is keen on painting.
5. I am fond of fishing fishing
Task 5.
1. ride
2. teeth
3. biology
4. skiing
5. hockey
Home Night", published in 2000, is one of my favourite novels. It was written by remarkable authors, Filin Kristina and her daughter Kristin Kast. They are outstanding, creative, imaginative writers, who use their imagination to write "Home Night". The book is full of mystery and suspense.
It is set in a city school. This story is about sixteen- year-old Zoi Redberd. Zoi`s father died and her mother married John. He did not like Zoi. Only one person in her family liked her. It was her grandmother. She helped Zoi.
When Zoi studied in nine classes she was made a vampire. She movedto Home Night, a school for vampires. Stivi Rey, Dem`en, Shoni, Erin were her new friends. They endured many dangerous and sad events together. But book has a happy end.
"Home Night" is an outstanding teenager`s fantasy story. Once I picked up this book...