1. If there are a few firms in an industry, the change in the behaviour of one firm can influence other firms. 2. Can developing countries enter the European Union? -No, they can't. 3. The firm may increase its profits by means of new materials or technologies. 4. Any crisis in the economy of the USA can seriously influence the economies of other nations. 5. Any country must follow some rules in international trade. 6. Can Russia supply its population with necessary amounts of gas and petrol?- Yes, it can. 7.British farmers could not ensure the required quality of meat when there was an infection among animals a few years ago. 8.You must have a special licence to import or export exotic animals.
In the spring , the vice versa path to Moscow, We sluchayno proezzhaly past nebolshoho towns. Online áûë Rather bolshuyu a mortgage on wood, something to the garden is home to Nam utopaly in Color , and so on pokazalsya us krasyvыm , that not sMorly We will stand against soblazna ostanovytsya there. I nykohda áû have thought , that the small provyntsyalnomu Walk Gorodok Can deliver takoe naslazhdenye . We walked through a neighborhood garden Trejo hours and something Bolsheviks We smotrely to CEI skazochnыy Corner , themes Bolsheviks We voshyschalys im. Before we áûë genuine ancient town, polnыy a charm , How vstretysh not in our area . But we had ostavalos of time , and we pryshlos Hurry Moscow.