Перевод: my apartment is big it is : my room , sister , bedroom , bathroom , living room, and kitchen . My Room beautiful wallpaper with birds , orange curtains , bed laid out a blanket and bedspread seashells painted bed is against the wall and there is a wardrobe, a desk . Corridor semi circle . In the kitchen there is a table , stove , sofa , kettle and TV. Living pale brown on the floor and lined patterns and the big TV Anya's room green curtains , a desk and a closet with horses and of bed.
I like to travel by car. It is very interesting. We don't need any tickets. We can travel in any direction and in any time. We put all things we need in a car. We don't carry them. It is very easy and pleased. We can see many things in a short time. I think that travelling by car is a very good thing for us.
Я люблю путешествовать на машине. Это очень интересно. Нам не нужно никаких билетов. Мы можем путешествовать в любом направлении и в любое время. Грузим все вещи, что нам нужны в автомобиль. Мы не несем их. Это очень легко и приятно. Мы можем увидеть много в течение короткого времени. Я думаю, что путешествие на автомобиле очень хорошо для нас.