Every nation living on Earth has its own history, traditions and, of course, features of the national cuisine. A cuisine is a certain set of cooking traditions passed on from generation to generation. A cuisine is often named after the place where it originated. The choice of ingredients depends on the region or country.Kuhnya southern provinces of France (Provence, Languedoc, Basco, Gascony) is characterized by the exigencies of food, the use of wine and spices, especially garlic and onions in large quantities. Residents of coastal use in your kitchen more seafood: fish, crabs, lobsters, crayfish, krevetok.Provansalskaya kitchen unthinkable without olive oil, tomatoes, artichokes and fragrant mountain trav.Travy Provence - adopter of the cooking southern French blend of dried herbs. cheeses in France not less than five hundred, and not to get lost in this variety, we turn to the classification of cheeses on the feedstock and consistency.
There are many interesting, cute and even unusual things in our kitchen, so it is difficult to describe it in two words. First of all, it must be mentioned that our kitchen is quite big, light and ample, but very cozy. In the center of my favourite room, there is a round vintage wooden table. One can always find my books or magazines, my mother's porcelain vase with fresh flowers and my sister’s drawing pad on the table. Opposite the door, one can see a large window with lovely light-blue curtains. on the windowsill there are pots with beautiful plants – growing plants is my mother’s hobby.
перевод На нашей кухне много милых, интересных и даже необычных вещей, поэтому ее сложно описать в двух словах. Во-первых, стоит отметить, что наша кухня достаточно большая, просторная и светлая, но очень уютная. В центре моей любимой комнаты находится круглый винтажный деревянный стол. На нем всегда можно найти мои книги или журналы, мамину фарфоровую вазу со свежими цветами и блокнот для рисования моей сестры. Напротив дверей можно увидеть большое окно с милыми светло-голубыми занавесками. На подоконнике стоят горшки с красивыми растениями. Выращивание цветов — это хобби моей мамы.
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