JB: I have been acting since I was a teenager.
JB: I trained at the National...
I: How many films have you made so far?
I: Have you ever won any awards?
I: What were your parents doing when they were younger?
JB: They got divorced when I was four.
JB: I fell over and banged my head as I was running from the kitchen...
I: What do you do in your free time?
JB: I am shooting a film set in Ireland.
I: What is the best book you have ever read?
I: Do you prefer cats or dogs?
I: When did you last cry?
JB: Today, while I was rehearsing.
JB: ...the best film I have ever made.
(rainbow, rainstorm, barometer, shower, wethermen, forestcast, to expect, daily, calm, a mist, misty, changeable, to look out for) -
радуга, ливень, барометр, душ, водоросли, лесная погода, ожидать, ежедневно, штиль, туман, туманный, переменчивый, чтобы высматривать.
1.The day was epect and bright. There was no wind.
2. It isn't easy to the weather.
3. The "News" is a TV programme.
4. We'll dally you for dinner on Saturday
5. Have you heard the weather ... today? 6. How many colours has the ?
7. Through the to look out for we saw the towers of an old town.
8. The weather is very in spring.
9. A very heavy rain is called a rainstorm.
10.How do people use the barometer ? - It shows the air pressure and helps to forecast the weather.
Dear Stuart,
I'm sorry to hear you've been having problems at school. Here's what you can do to improve your situation.
Have you thought about talking to the school counsellor, your parents or a teacher? If you do this, bullies won't pick on you because they will know that somebody is supporting you. Another good idea is to try to overcome your shyness. This way you would be able to make some friends and start enjoying your time at school. If bullies see that you have friends, they will leave you alone.
I hope that my advice helps and everything turns out all right.