Read the text and answer the true/false questions. T/ F 1. You can go bungee jumping and water - skiing in Newquay. 2. There are not any sharks and fish in Blue Reef Aquarium.
"Some people think, that the book - is the best source for knowledge of all aspects of life" I disagree with people, who think so. Books - is just one of many tools for the knowledge of being, which has no absolute advantages over other means, such as your own work, communication with intelligent people, lucid dreaming, traveling and so on. I'll just try to guess it what things some people find books dignity; then I'll tell you, what to my mind is the "best source for cognition of all aspects of life" Books are customary to us, since recent time books have become a traditional way of leisure activities for the masses of people. Almost all the people pay their taxes, and hence they can use public libraries, so bookish education is affordable. Furthermore, there are variety of written thoughts directions: we can find reflections about eternity in it, and at the same time there are encountered detective stories and cheap novels.That is to say, on the grounds of moral and intellectual development, one can find any answer to his question. But the problem consists, that not everyone have the adequate development of creative thinking. That is, not everyone can grasp the whole text of the book in its notional scope; moreover, frequently it's assimilated not what was written in the book, but what was presented by the reader, who, perhaps, can by not quite sober-minded.Thereby it was generated entire sections of ugly information,that infest the information field and which can't entail nothing good. In my view, the best method of cognizing life - communication with intelligent, skilled, wise people, let us call them "Elders". Elders can explain everything distinctly, and, noticing that if the information wasn't internalized right, they will rush to explain it again.Their knowledge are always based on practice and never are the result of sick imagination. Well as a good method of knowledge as cognition yourself in persistent labor. Life starts with one person, thus, it’s reasonable to begin life’s knowledge with the cognition of one person. Labor is a check on durability and viciousness, finding strengths and weaknesses. In sum, with communication with the elders, these two methods are more than replace reading any books. Of course, books are good, but only as an addition to real activity. Life itself can be learned only in the process of yourself exploration.
Соединенное Королевство или Великобритания-это политический термин, который включает Англию, Шотландию, Уэльс и Северную Ирландию. Аббревиатура Великобритании используется на официальных документах, издаваемых парламентом. Великобритания делится на графства. Слово графство описывает область с собственным местным самоуправлением. Окружные советы управляют, такими вещами, как образование и жилье. Они следят за дорогами, библиотеками и бассейнами.В Великобритании Королева является главой государства, но она не правят страной.Наиболее важной функцией Королевы является её участие в различных церемониях. Королева - символ истории страны и ее традиций. Она очень богата. Она ездит по Великобритании, встречается с различными людьми и посещает школы и больницы. Реальная власть в стране принадлежит британскому правительству. Британский парламент состоит из двух палат: палаты общин и палаты лордов. Палата общин является более могущественной и определяет национальную политику страны, но палата лордов может наложить вето на закон палаты общин, с предложением переписать некоторые части законопроекта, прежде, чем он будет принят и станет новым законом.
1)В Ньюки можно заняться банджи-джампингом и покататься на водных лыжах.
2)В аквариуме Blue Reef нет акул и рыб.