1 It was in... (Это было в каком-то году.)
Eventually (В конце концов)
After that (После того)
It happened ... years ago. (Это случилось ... года назад.)
Finally (в заключение)
Then (затем)
Later (позже)
Next (дальше, следующее)
1.The story of modern television begins in 1888 I when a boy, Vladimir Zvorykin, was born into the wealthy family of a merchant in the town of Murom. The boy was spending his summer holidays on board his father’s ship. While he was sailing along the Oka River he helped repair and maintain the ship’s electrical equipment, and that is how his interest in electrical engineering began.
2.Vladimir studied electrical engineering at Saint Petersburg Institute of Technology. He was a talented student and attracted the attention of the famous Professor Rosing. He helped Boris Rosing with experimental work on television in Rosing’s I private lab. In 1910, Rosing and Vladimir Zvorykin exhibited an original television system, using a mechanical scanner in the transmitter and the electronic Braun tube in the receiver. It was one of the first demonstrations of TV of any kind and quite a successful one at that.
3. V. Zworykin graduated in 1912 and continued his studies of X-rays for some time under Professor Paul Langevin in Paris. During World War I Zworykin served in the Russian Signal Corps, then I succeeded in getting a job working for the Russian Marconi company testing radio equipment produced for the Russian Army. Zworykin left Russia for the United States after the October Revolution, during the Russian Civil War.
4. There, in the late 20s, he invented the cathode tubes that made him famous and brought TV to our homes. It took him several years of experiments to turn patents into a working system. The system was ready to be launched at the end of 1934. In early 1935 the new tube was introduced in Germany. Next, it was successfully used at the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games as one of several cameras broadcasting the games to some two-hundred public theaters. Zvorykin patented the colour TV system in 1928. Much later, in the summer of 1959 at the American exhibition in Moscow, Zvorykin demonstrated a working colour TV set. Vladimir Zvorykin is often called the father of television.
Основные блюда казахской кухни являются следующие варенная баранина конина бешбармак , куырдак ,жаренный бараний Ливер говядина деликатесная , шужик .казы , жал ,жая , очечье молоко коровье молоко и продукты катык ,курт , iрiмшик, и кобылье молоко. Появление муки в казахской диете возобновили традиционное блюдо бешбармак , который начал подавать большие куски расскатаного теста. В казахской кухне также примечательный вкусный плов - приготовленный из риса и баранины. И конечно . праздник не обходится без крепкого вкусного чая со сливками