1 visited
2 promised
3 has never done
4 went
5 haven't done
6 has seen
7 swam
8 read
9 have come
10 has just visited me
11 did she promise
12 brought
13 bought
14 has taught
15 sunk? глагола не видно
1. Ella is a football fan. — Элла фанатка футбола. (Элла — она (she), используем is)
2. I am in the English club. — Я состою в клубе английского. (с I всегда используем am)
3. We are from Germany. — Мы из Германии. (Мы (We) используем are)
4. This grey bag is expensive. — Эта серая сумка дорогая. (Сумка (it, в английском языке все неодушевленные предметы, в частых случаях и животные «оно») используем is)
5. The books are very interesting. — Эти книги очень интересные. (Книги (it), но(!) множественное число, используем are)
6. You are good in taekwondo. — Ты хорош в тэквондо. (Ты (you) используем are)
7. I am a teacher. — Я учитель. (Я (I) используем am)
8. Josh is nine years old. — Джошу девять лет. (Джош — он (he), используем is)
to be — am, is, are.
Am — используется только с I.
Is — используется с he, she, it.
Are — используется с we, they, you и с подлежащими в мн.ч.
8 Fill in who, which, where or whose.
1 A: I like your bag. It's very stylish.
B: This is the one which was on special offer. I got it for £5.
2 A: Isn't that Jo over there whose brother works with us?
B: Yes, I think you're right.
3 A: Taronga Zoo is a great place where you can see
a lot of animals.
B: We're going there tomorrow.
4 A: Do you remember Sara who used to live next door?
B: Yes, and I heard she's moved to Sydney.
5 A: What is the name of that restaurant where serves seafood?
B: Rico's.
6 A: I met a nice girl today who showed me around.
B: Lucky you!
7 A: Was it Paris where you went on holiday?
B: No, it was Prague.
8 A: Did you watch the film which was on Channel 4 last night?
B: Yes, it was fantastic.
Думаю, что так