Rapunzel is a facinating movie. In it there is a lost princess, a wicked wtich, a theif, a queen and a king. In the beginning it shows how the witch steals a princess from the queen and king of a peacful kingdom. Later when the girl is growing up she finds that her hair has magical healing powers. She is convinced that the witch is her true mother not knowing that she is a princess. When she turns 16 she begs the witch to let her see the beautiful lanters that were let out by the king and queen in hopes that she would see them and retern home. The witch refuses and then leaves to buy suplies. In the meantime a thief has stolen the crown that was the princesses. He finds a tower in the middle of the woods in wich Rapunzel (the princess) lives. He climbs up, only to be knocked out by Rapunzel. She takes the crown from him and finds out that she can go with him to see the lanterns. She escapes from the tower using her long hair, meets a band of "pirates" and finally sees the lanterns of her dreams. But her happines is ruined when Flinn (the thief) is captured and she is taken back to the tower. She figures out that she is the lost princess and tries to escape. Rapunzel is stoped by her "mother" and is tied up. Flinn climbs up and is brutally stabed by Mother Gothel (the wich). Rapunzel tries to heal him, promising Gothel that she will live with her forever, but Flinn cuts of her beutiful hair an in doing so with Rapunzel's pet chameleon makes Gothel fall out of the tower and die. Rapunzel heals Flinn with her magic tear, wich every princess has, and they live happily ever after.
Великан смотрит на курицу. "Надо снести яйцо!" И рябая курочка снесла яйцо. Он говорит ей это снова и кладет ещё одно яйцо, а потом ещё одно. Вскоре на столе десять яиц. Джек смотрит через отверстие в дверце печи и видит яйца. "Яйца золотые! Курица-это волшебная!" Великан очень устал после обильной еды. Вскоре его глаза закрываются и он засыпает. Джек готовится уйти. "Теперь я могу идти!" Он медленно открывает дверцу, вылезает из печи и идет к столу. Он хочет взять курицу великана. "Иди сюда, маленькая курочка. Ты пойдешь со мной! Мне нужна волшебная курица. Теперь я могу быть богатым, и мать не будет злиться на меня!" Пока великан спит, Джек берет курицу со стола. Он делает это очень тихо, потому что не хочет разбудить его.
We were hungry, so we ate dinner quickly