Во времена Советского Союза исследование космоса было одной из важнейших задач. И именно из СССР была отправлена ракета, совершившая первый полет в космос. Произошло это 12 апреля 1961 года. Этот день стал важной частью истории. Космонавтом на борту был летчик Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин. Давайте узнаем кое-что о жизни этой поистине героической личности.During the times of the Soviet Union, space exploration was one of the main priorities. And a rocket undertaking the first flight into space departed from the USSR. That happened on the 12th of April, 1961. This day became an important part of history. The cosmonaut on board was pilot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. Let’s find out something about the life of this truly heroic person. Юрий Гагарин родился 9 марта 1934 года в селе Клушино в Смоленской области. Он был выходцем из простой крестьянской семьи. Позднее он заканчивает Люберецкое училище в Москве, затем Саратовский техникум. Кстати именно в Саратове он проходит обучение в аэроклубе.Yuri Gagarin was born on the 9th of March in 1934 in Clushino village, Smolensk area. He was a native from simple country family. Later he finished Lubertsy School in Moscow, then Saratov Technikum School. By the way, in Saratov he studied in the aero club.
Special: 1 what is the name of your father? 2 how many people are in your family? 3 who is the smartest in your family? 4 why do you argue with your mom? 5 where are your family coming from? 6 where do you live now? 7 how do you spend your free time together? 8 how long can you watch tv together? 9 how much do you love each other? 10 when will your family come to visit us? alternative: 1. does your mother working or sitting at home? 2. does your dad a doctor or a teacher? 3. does your brother study at school or at university? 4. does your mom love cats or dogs? 5. does your father kind or angry? 6. does your mother funny or boring? 7. do you have a brother or a sister? 8. do you like to spent time with your friends or with your family? 9. do you want to have a little brother or a sister? 10. do you have a dog or a cat? p/s могут быть