ответ:Пассивный:the book was written by him,the book was read by her,the jeans were ordered by them,the house is built by builders,the key was found by him,the telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell,the dog was trained by him,the area has been destroyed by army,the fish was caught by him,the robber was caught by them
Активный:he ordered meal,they wrote and application form,student asked a question, she will clean house every Sunday,he watches TV set,he cleans his car,he goes to school,they do their h/w,
he smokes cigarette,she treats them
8. It is cold. Oh, the door is open. I'll shut it.
9. We will have (to have) a party next Sunday.
10. I think the weather will be (to be) fine tomorrow.
11. I promise I'll help (to help) you.
12. We will play (to play) tennis next Monday with the friends.
13. When you know (to know) the results of the match, please call me.
14. There is no bread left. Ok, I will buy (to buy) it.
15. You uncle has brought bricks. Is she going (to be going) to build something?
16. I am sure, he'll be (to be) late for the party.
17. Our classes begin (to begin) at 8 a.m. tomorrow.
18. Does your classes begin (to begin) at 8 a.m. tomorrow?
19. If it rains tomorrow, we will stay (to stay) at home.
20. There is a doorbell. I'll go (to go) and open the door.
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