Хех нету текста но да ладно у меня он есть.
1. The main reason for increasing problems with heart is modern lifestyle. TRUE
2. Dr. Shaw says most people would eat a healthier diet if they had more time. TRUE
3. If you have a healthy diet, you don’t have to exercise. FALSE
А вот и строки из текста :
ответ на 1 вопрос.
Interviewer: Now, Welcome to “You and Your Health”. Today on our show we have the famous
cardiologist Dr. Shaw. First of all maybe you could explain to us why the numbers of people
suffering from heart attacks seem to be on the increase these days?
Dr Shaw: Well, I think the answer to that is, unfortunately, our modern lifestyle.
ответ на 2 вопрос.
Dr Shaw: Yes, of course. For example, how many times have you been too busy to eat a proper meal
and so end up eating some unhealthy takeout food? Most of people underestimate the importance of a
healthy diet.
ответ на 3 вопрос.
Dr Shaw: Of course a healthier diet is going to help. Exercise is also important. We should all make sure
we get a regular amount of daily exercise.
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