In the evening he obtained information about that happened in city for a day. However she got to the newspaper, because it was already late. 2. He went home yet till collections began. 3. He began to search an own auto with a police, although to it four days tried to find him independently. 4. She told everything to him, before went in vacation. 5. He did it since she talked with him. 6. Whole morning they built a wall that the day before was broken for ten minutes. 7. Before to go to work, she five years studied in an institute. 8. They made off repair, guests arrived before. 9. During repair workers worked very well. 10. Nik decided to cooperate with a firm with that his brother already two years had an agreement. 11. Last week he met Jane. She asked, where he bought an auto. 12. Where were they yesterday in nine in the evening? - In this time they discussed the plan of work. 13. By then, as he came home, he forgot everything, that Martha said of him. 14. Andrew looked after everything, long before
Я до сих пор помню мой первый день в школе. Это было 1 сентября 2004 года. Я проснулась очень рано. После завтрака я оделась в мою школьную форму и взяла мой рюкзак. Я пошла в школу с моей мамой и сестрой. На нашем пути моя мама купила несколько красивых цветков для моего учителя. Я была так счастлива. После того как первый звонок прозвенел наш учитель пригласил нас в класс. Когда мы заняли наши места учитель попросил достать наши тетради и ручки с рюкзака. Так мое детство превратилось в серьезную жизнь.
Счастье-самое большое достижение и богатство.