12. Изучи план рабочей недели бизнесмена на следующую неделю. Напиши, что он собирается делать, употребляя глаголы в Future Progressive 1. MONDAY Fly to Paris 7 p.m.
He will be flying to Paris at 7p.m. on Monday.
2. TUESDAY Visit the Eiffel Tower 2 p.m.
3. WEDNESDAY Make a record with Den 7 a.m.
4. THURSDAY Have dinner with the Boss 8 p.m.
5. FRIDAY Fly home 7 a.m.
6. SATTURDAY Do nothing!
7. SUNDAY Have a rest!
13 Представь, что твоя знакомая девушка Анна работает переводчицей. Она переводит статьи с английского на русский. Скажи своему собеседнику, что она:
1. Can you get up very early?
2. Must you do your lessons every day?
3. May you watch TV late in the evening?
4. Must your friend help you at the lesson?
5. Can he spend his free time with his friends?
6. Must they attend basketball trainings according to the time-table?
So my last ideal weekends were two months ago. I got up early in the morning, quickly had my breakfast and ran to my friend. Together we discused a football match that we had seen the previous evening. We are great fans of football. When I came home it was already afternoon. I and my parents decided to go to the forest to have a picnic with our relatives. I like to prepare meat on the fire very much. So I was totally occupied with it. We played football there.We had two teams. One of parents and the second of children. And of course we children won the game. We were really happy. We had a rest in the forest and enjoyed the nature.
I can surely say that I had ideal weekends.