1) Density is measured in kilograms per cubic meter.
2) Most materials have a higher density than water and sink in water.
3) The density of the material is very important, especially in aviation.
4) Young's modulus is the ratio of the applied force to the elastic deformation of a given material.
5) The more rigid the metal, the less it deforms under load.
6) when the metal is stretched, it first flows, that is, it is plastically deformed.
7) Lead, copper, aluminum and gold are the most malleable metals.
8) Creep resistance is a very important property of materials used in aircraft engines.
a) Mrs Fox was licking the stump of Mr Fox's tail to stop bleeding. (Миссис Фокс лизала остаток хвоста мистера Фокса, чтобы остановить кровотечение.)
b) My tail will never grow again. (Мой хвост никогда не вырастет снова.)
c) Mr Fox couldn't sleep because of the pain in the stump of his tail. (Мистер Фокс не мог спать из-за боли в обрубке своего хвоста.)
d) The noise he heard was the most frightening sound. (Шум, который он услышал, был самым пугающим звуком.)
e) The soil began flying furiously behind Mr Fox. (Земля начала разлетаться за спиной мистера Фокса.
f) Your father is a fantastic fox. (Ваш отец - невероятный лис.)
g) Mr Fox looked at his wife and she smiled. (Мистер Фокс посмотрел на свою жену, и она улыбнулась.)
3)Painted the