У меня есть любымый праздник - Новый год. Днём все наряжают дома и ёлки. У моей семьи есть особые ёлочные игрушки. Они старинные, а передаются по наследству. Я обожаю состаяния предвкушения, когда ты ждёшь полночь, чтобы под бой курантов заглянуть под елку и взять свой долгожданный подарок. В эту волшебную ночь ты будто попадаешь в сказку.
I have any holiday - New Year. During the day, everyone decorates houses and trees. My family has special Christmas decorations. They are old, but inherited. I love the feeling of anticipation when you wait for midnight to look under the tree under the chimes and take your long-awaited gift. On this magical night, you seem to find yourself in a fairy tale.
Hello, today I will tell you what computers are harmful and what they are not. On the mob point of the link, it is not harmful, if you do not overdo it.
They are harmful because if you sit at the computer a lot, your head and eyes will hurt. This worsens health.!But,on the other hand,thanks to computers, you can study and learn something new is cool
Also,I'd like to say,in my opinion, they are not harmful if you do not sit for a long time. Computers are an ideal place for communication between people, thanks to a computer we can learn, communicate, write, draw, whatever. It pleases
The main thing is not to sit on the computer a lot, it is very harmful, especially if you play a lot without a break
Also,to conclude,on the one hand computers are good on the other hand bad!)
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