1. I have win two prizes when I was seven. - WON вместо have win 2. My brother and I have played football since three hours. - FOR вместо since 3. I've learnt to play the guitar this year. - верно 4. I have drew a beautiful picture for my grandma today. - DRAWN вместо drew 5. We haven't finished our project already - YET вместо already 6. My father has taught me to ride a bike.- верное 7. I have played the violin for three years.- верно 8. Have you been to Scotland already?- YET вместо already 9. My sister have spent two weeks in Africa this year.- HAS
Ваня ничего не ответил. Он вышел в сени и уткнулся в стену. Заяц тихо дрожал под засаленной курткой. - Ты чего, малый? - спросила Ваню бабка Анисья; она привела к ветеринару свою козу.- Чего вы слезы льете? Случилось что? - Пожженный он на пожаре, дедушкин заяц, - сказал тихо Ваня. -Бегать не может. Вот-вот умрет. - Не умрет, малый Анисья. -- Скажи дедушке, ежели хочет зайца выходить, пущай несет его к Карлу Петровичу. Ваня вытер слезы и побежал босиком по песчаной дороге домой, на Урженское озеро.
2. My brother and I have played football since three hours. - FOR вместо since
3. I've learnt to play the guitar this year. - верно
4. I have drew a beautiful picture for my grandma today. - DRAWN вместо drew
5. We haven't finished our project already - YET вместо already
6. My father has taught me to ride a bike.- верное
7. I have played the violin for three years.- верно
8. Have you been to Scotland already?- YET вместо already
9. My sister have spent two weeks in Africa this year.- HAS