Two boys, Prince Edward and the beggar Tom, were born on the same day. By the will of fate, already teenagers, the boys accidentally met and exchanged clothes. When they looked at each other, they realized that they were very similar. And by chance Edward, in the guise of a beggar, was expelled from the palace, and Tom remained the son of the king.
Both the one and the other boy got into an unpleasant situation. Edward had a particularly bad time with his royal habits. Many times he was on the verge of death, but the knight Miles, a kind and noble man, saved him. During his trip to England, the prince saw what unjust and cruel laws reign in this state.
At this time, King Henry died and during the coronation, to the great surprise and shock of the royal court and the common people, the boys changed places again.
Edward, having become king, ruled very justly and mercifully, and Tom Kenty all his life enjoyed great respect among the people.
Conclusion (my opinion)
Neither kings nor princes know the real situation in the country, how their people live, and what torments they are experiencing. Only after being in the role of a common man, Edward was able to assess the true situation in the country.
A new house is not just there you will have to re-master it, and of course it has many advantages. For example, you will try to choose the best house and there will be everything clean and pretty, and most importantly, it is new, if the old house had only one floor, then in the new there will be two of them. The disadvantages of the old house I think this is what you are tired of there. You are already used to it and want something new. In the old house, you no longer have any interest in such things.
I think the new house is better than the old one because this is a new chapter of your life!
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