BookmarkSAU 2d term Задание №1
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SAU for the term 2
Все задания выполняете в тетради для суммативных работ. Не забудьте о написании даты и вида суммативной работы.
Фото присылаемых работ должны быть четкими и понятными для прочтения, в ином случае задание НЕ ЗАСЧИТЫВАЕТСЯ
The 24th of December
Task 1. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct item.
1 A which B whose C who
2 A raises B offers C donates
3 A excited B keen C interested
Total [3]
International Volunteer Day
Every single day, all around the world, people volunteer their time, skills and resources to help others less well off than them. That is why in 1985, the United Nations General Assembly decided to adopt a day to celebrate volunteers. Since then, every year on 5th December, governments and people around the world come together to celebrate International Volunteer Day (IVD) and pay tribute to one another for their tremendous efforts. Thankfully, there are many people 1 want to contribute and the event is getting more popular. On the day, people organize rallies, parades, community volunteering projects, environmental awareness projects and free medical care programs. Many volunteers offer their services at the local level in their own communities but it is also possible to work with various agencies nationally and internationally in emergency situations. IVD 2 the opportunity for organisations and individual volunteers to make people aware of their contributions at local, national and international levels. Most importantly, the organizers use it as an opportunity to recruit even more volunteers. It you’re 3 in becoming a volunteer with IUN Volunteers, you can find more details online.
Task 2. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1 Who started International Volunteer Day?
2 What events are organized on International Volunteer Day?
3 How does IVD help organisations and volunteers?
4 How can you get more information about IVD and volunteering?
Total [4]
Task 3. Choose the correct word.
1. Without free education/healthcare, some sick people won’t receive treatment.
2. We help out at the homeless shelter/charity by cooking food.
Total [2]
Choose ONE of the topics and write.
Topic 1: You are a charitable volunteer in your city and always give a hand to those who are in need: clean the apartments of the disabled people; bring food to animal refuges to feed homeless animals; organize campaigns to raise money and collect toys and clothes for the local orphanages.
Your new idea is to write a formal letter to the local mayor to ask him/her for any help he/she can provide to help your charity organization. Include in your letter the following information:
The title of your charity organization;
What you have done/are doing already;
How you would like the mayor to help your charity organization.
Use appropriate style and examples in your letter.
Topic 2: You are the lawyer and the Government in your country plans to shorten the lenght of the school holidays in order to improve the level of education. Write an opinion essay. Include in your letter:
The positive and negative consequences;
What will be the effects of this law if it is introduced;
the alternative methods and their results
Use appropriate style and examples in your letter.
мне до 14:00 сдать надо
1. Насколько велик Лондон по сравнению с другими городами?
2. Куда обычно прибывают люди, когда они приезжают в Великобританию морем или самолетом? Почему?
3. Каковы основные города на юго-востоке?
4. Чем славится Юго-Восток?
5. Почему люди находят Юго-Запад привлекательным?
6. Как вы думаете, почему туристы часто приезжают в Кембридж?
7. Каковы самые важные промышленные города в Англии?
8. Чем знамениты Стратфорд-на-Эйвоне и Оксфорд?
9. Каковы основные достопримечательности на севере Англии?
10. Что вы знаете о Севере Англии?