Лучшее место для отдыха это — это заграница, но не совсем: здесь говорят по-русски все от школьников до пенсионеров. Так что вам без проблем подскажут, как пройти к улице, на которой снимали «Семнадцать мгновений весны» и «Шерлока Холмса». Несмотря на русскую речь, атмосфера в Риге и других латвийских городах европейская: узкие улочки, органная музыка, замки, пестрые дома, башенные шпили и приятная публика на неспешном променаде.Латвию можно по праву назвать сердцем Прибалтики, ведь здесь собрано всё лучшее, чем может похвастаться этот регион. Древняя архитектура городов граничит со скромностью и очарованием деревушек, современные многоэтажные бизнес-центры соседствуют с многовековыми замками и дворцами, церквями и соборами, хранящими загадки .
1. Did he open the windows before classes?No, he didn't open the windows before classes.
2. Did we see Mr. Smith, when we came in? No we didn't see Mr. Smith, when we came in.
3. Did Ann translate a lot of foreign letters at the office last week? No, Ann didn't translate a lot of foreign letters at the office last week.
4. Did he go to London two month ago? No, he didn't go to London two month ago
5. Did I finish the work at five o'clock the day before yesterday? No, I didn't finish the work at five o'clock the day before yesterday.
6. Did my friend Bob write to me every week last year? No, he didn't write to me every week last year.
7. Did Mrs. Jones live in South Africa, when she was a girl? No, she didn't live in South Africa, when she was a girl
8. Did James take his dog for a walk twise a day? No, James didn't take his dog for a walk twise a day
9. Did the whole family return home late that night? No, the whole family didn't return home late that night.
10. Did our boss speak to us about the benefits of the new machine during the meeting? No, our boss didn't speak to us about the benefits of the new machine during the meeting.
11. Did my cousins like the movie? No, they didn't like the movie.
12. Did his students discussed some interesting articles from the Times last double- period? No, his students didn't discuss some interesting articles from the Times last double- period.
13. Did I lost my temper yesterday? No, I didn't lose my temper yesterday.
14. Did their team win at the last championship? No, their team didn't win at the last championship.
15. Did Jame come to the station too late and miss the train? No, Jame didn't come to the station too late and didn't miss the train.