1. Personal computers are a part of our lives.
2. They first entered people's homes in 1970's.
3. Nowadays computers affect our lives greatly.
4. Computers are used to write documents, to send e-mails, to look at websites, to get all sorts of information from the Internet.
5. Users can also buy different things and book tickets using their computers.
6. A lot of students study at home due to computers.
7. And, of course, people especially children like to play computer games, to watch films or sports competitons online.
8. Today there are different kinds of computers: laptops or notebook computers, palmtop computers.
9. In the recent years they have become smaller and lighter but more powerful in terms pf memory.
10. The most important thing about laptops is that they are portable.
11. I've got a computer too.
12. I use it for studying or for entertainment.
dear jane,
how are you doing? i’m just writing to let you know that everything is all right now. this is a nice quiet place. the people are friendly, and the weather is warm. we’ve been staying here for ten days now, and we are already used to it.
i walk a lot, but phil just spends his time reading newspapers and writing business letters. sometimes we are going for a walk together.
last week i went to the nearest park. this is a wonderful very beautiful place. i saw a lot of squirrels, they were so noisy and begged for food all the time. i gave them all the peanuts that i had. there is also a small pond at the park with ducks and beautiful water lilies.
next week i’m going to start writing my new book, and it’s going to be very hard work. that is all for now.
give my regards to paul and the family. i look forward to hearing from you soon.
your loving sister,
перевод письма:
дорогая джейн,
как дела? я просто пишу, чтобы ты знала, что все в порядке. это хорошее тихое место. люди дружелюбны и погода теплая. мы находимся здесь уже десять дней и мы уже привыкли к этому.
я много гуляю, но фил просто тратит свое время на чтение газет и написание деловых писем. иногда мы ходим на прогулку вместе.
на прошлой неделе я ходила в ближайший парк. это замечательное красивое место. я видела много белочек, они были настолько шумными и все время просил еду. я отдала им все орешки, которые у меня были. здесь в парке есть также небольшой пруд с утками и красивыми кувшинками.
на следующей неделе я собираюсь начать писать свою новую книгу, и это будет тяжелая работа. это все.
полу и семье. я с нетерпением жду весточки от вас в ближайшее время.
твоя любящая сестра,
1. Yes, of course.
2. Im intersted in communicating with people and food. Also, I like visiting museums.
3. My most memorable moment was the visiting of Port Aventura.
4. Id like to visit America
5. I cant remember any.