There are many cases in which animals
take in cubs that don't belong to them, or
even their species, like this adorable little
pig. But I have never seen a monkey taking so
well to a couple of tiger cubs before.
After Hurricane Hannah ravaged the
state of South Carolina, the tigers of one of
the zoos started acting very aggressive and
were considered a danger to their young. So
these two white tiger cubs were separated
from their mother and adopted by a 2-yearold
chimpanzee. As you can see from the photo he really takes
parenting seriously. I wonder how their relationship develops..
Изучая английский язык, мы сталкиваемся с определенными ситуациями, которые являются препятствиями в процессе обучения. Во-первых, это произношение. Параллельно с произношением идет еще одна трудность английского языка – языковой барьер В третьих - восприятие английской речи на слух. Грамматика вообще представляет собой одну сплошную трудность английского языка. Хотя, на самом деле, там не все так плохо.
Studying English language, we are faced with certain situations, which are obstacles to the process of learning. Firstly, it is the pronunciation. In parallel with the pronunciation is another difficulty of the English language - the language barrier In the third, the perception of English speech at the hearing. Grammar in General is one continuous difficulty of the English language. Although, in fact, there's not all that bad.