I like foreign languages, and my favorite subject, especially the French. There are several reasons. First, French is a popular language in the world today. Secondly, the French language is very melodic and has a long history. Many of the French tradition is reflected in their language. I think that learning a foreign language, allows you to learn more about the country and its cultural side of history, its people and their way of life. Such knowledge broadens the mind and make people tolerant towards others and narodnostyam.poetomu I continue to teach his own
мне нравятся иностранные языки и мой любимый предмет,особенно французский. Этому есть несколько причин. Во-первых, французский является популярным языком в мире на сегодняшний день. Во-вторых, французский очень мелодичный язык и имеет долгую историю. Многие традиции французов отражаются в их языке. Я думаю, что изучение иностранного языка, позволяет узнать больше о стране, её культурной стороне и истории, её людях и их образе жизни. Такие знания расширяют кругозор и делают людей толерантными по отношению к другим людям и народностям.поэтому я продолжаю учить его самостоятельно
My room is very big for me. It is made in white and red colors. It was recently renovated, so on the walls I have a new red Wallpaper. On the floor lay a large carpet, on the walls hang posters. Opposite the door a large window, on which there are flowers. I have a table on which stands the computer. Near the table is a wardrobe with my clothes. Next to the wardrobe there is a mirror. Opposite the wardrobe there is a bed where I sleep and a small table where the lamp. I like to paint, so my walls are my paintings. My whole room has a trendy design.
Перевод: Моя комната очень большая для меня. Она выполнена в бело-красных цветах. В ней недавно был ремонт, поэтому на стенах у меня новые красные обои. На полу в комнате лежит большой ковёр, на стенах висят плакаты. Напротив двери большое окно, на котором стоят цветы. У меня есть стол, на котором стоит компьютер. Возле стола стоит шкаф с моими вещами. Рядом со шкафом висит зеркало. Напротив шкафа стоит кровать, на которой я сплю и маленький столик, где стоит лампа. Я люблю рисовать, поэтому на моих стенах висят мои картины. Вся моя комната имеет модный дизайн.
Who is on this photo, Jane? - My grandmother. She is a widow and lives in a nursing home. - True: I heard that in Britain many adult children send their parents to nursing homes. "Sometimes they do it." But that does not mean that they do not care about them. Let's take our family, for example. After the death of her husband, Grandmother Molly became more helpless. She was unable to look after herself properly, so we had to send her to a nursing home. "Yes, but go on." What if you took her home and looked after her properly? Do not you miss that you do not see her every day? - Yes. Well, you know, living in a nursing home is her own choice. Besides, my parents work, I go to school, so there is nobody to look after her all the time. "Yes, but look." Do you really think she likes being there? I was told that some of these houses are terrible! - Some yes, but in general such houses are very pleasant. My grandmother has her own room. She can always call a qualified nurse if she has any difficulties. "Well, think about it in this vein." Families become less cohesive when they do not care about each other. They lose the warmth of the relationship, do not they? "Perhaps it is." In fact, this is a problem for many families in Britain, and a huge number of nursing homes are in favor of this fact. And you do not seem to like it, do you? "No, but look at it like that." We are all worried about our grandmothers and grandfathers when they grow old, but nursing homes are not the best solution to the problem, are they?
I like foreign languages, and my favorite subject, especially the French. There are several reasons. First, French is a popular language in the world today. Secondly, the French language is very melodic and has a long history. Many of the French tradition is reflected in their language. I think that learning a foreign language, allows you to learn more about the country and its cultural side of history, its people and their way of life. Such knowledge broadens the mind and make people tolerant towards others and narodnostyam.poetomu I continue to teach his own
мне нравятся иностранные языки и мой любимый предмет,особенно французский. Этому есть несколько причин. Во-первых, французский является популярным языком в мире на сегодняшний день. Во-вторых, французский очень мелодичный язык и имеет долгую историю. Многие традиции французов отражаются в их языке. Я думаю, что изучение иностранного языка, позволяет узнать больше о стране, её культурной стороне и истории, её людях и их образе жизни. Такие знания расширяют кругозор и делают людей толерантными по отношению к другим людям и народностям.поэтому я продолжаю учить его самостоятельно