After reading the text for the first time, match these phrases taken from the text “Extreme sports” in column A with their meaning in column B. Column А
1. Have in common ___
2. Choose something over something else ___
3. Be on the edge ___
4. Add variety ___
5. Create the perfect opportunity
Column B
a) Feel excited
b) Be a good chance
c) Are similar to each other
d) Make more interesting
e) Prefer
1. Were talking
2. Was talking
3. Was looking
4. Were glittering
5. Was eating
6. Was waiting
7. Was preparing
8. Was arguing
9. Was hurrying
10. Was starting
1. Were writing
2. Was working
3. We were watching
4. Was/were you playing
5. Was you drinking
6. Was he drawing
7. Who was listening
8. Was it raining
9. Were they skating
10. She wasn't helping
В past continuous к смысловому глаголу ВСЕГДА добавляется окончание ing (do - doing)
Если в утвердительном предложении лицо, совершающее действие, в единственном числе, то используется was (wasn't/ was not в отрицательных предложениях)
Если в утвердительном предложении лицо во множественном числе, то используется were (weren't/ were not в отрицании)
В вопросительных предложениях порядок слов меняется (на первое место становится вс глагол was/were, потом идёт лицо, совершающее действие и смысловой глагол.
He was doing homework. (+)
Was he doing homework? (?)
He wasn't doing homework. (-)