1. Match the words with their definitions/ Соотнеси глагол со значением
1. go on + b) to continue without stopping;
2. go off + a) to become too bad to eat; to make a noise to warn about something;
3. go with + c) to be the right size, shape, or amount for a particular space
2. Write down English equivalents to the words/ Напиши английский эквивалент глагола
1. Подходить, соответствовать - TO GO WITH
2. Продолжаться - TO GO ON
3. Портиться, издавать громкий звук - TO GO OFF
3. Fill in the gaps with the correct particles/ заполни пропуски подходящей частицей
1. What color shirts go WITH brown corduroy pants?
2. I’ve set the alarm clock to go OFF at 7 am.
3. He went ON working until he was 91.
4. Don't eat that! I It's gone OFF!
4. Translate the following sentences/Переведи предложения
1. Когда купишь рыбу, положи ее сразу в холодильник, или она испортится.
When you buy some fish, put it immediately into the fridge or it’ll go off.
2. Эта рубашка не подходит к твоим брюкам. Переоденься.
This shirt don’t go with the your trousers. Go and get dressed!
3. Том продолжал рассказывать о своих приключениях, но его никто не слушал.
Tom went on speaking about his adventures but nobody was listening to him.
4. Когда грабители вошли в квартиру, сработала сигнализация.
When the robbers entered the apartment, the alarm went off.
2. A: Rome is the most famous city in Italy
B: Yes, but Venice is the most beautiful Italian city
3. A: New York is the busiest city in USA
B: Tes, and it is the coolest city in the world
4. A: Athens is the most dangerous city in Greece
B: Yes, but Greece is one of the safest countries in Europe
5. A: Canberra is one of the modernist cities in Australia
B: Yes, but it is the most boring city in the country
6. A: London is the most exciting city city in Britain
B: Yes, but it is the most expensive city in the country.
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