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Man pollutes the environment with household and industrial waste. It is a byproduct of civilization. Factory and stove chimneys were already throwing clouds of black, poisonous coal smoke into the air hundreds of years ago. Now there are even more factories, and with them substances that poison the air, water, and land: even in the Antarctic and on the peaks of the Himalayas. So far, we can only limit harmful emissions, recycle household garbage and waste, and use materials that are decomposed by living organisms, such as soil bacteria. The ozone layer traps the sun's ultraviolet rays, which cause skin cancer. Environmental disasters sometimes occur amid chronic pollution. For example, in an accident, oil spills out of the hold of a tanker and forms a huge slick on the surface of the ocean. The oil covers the animals with a deadly slick. Chlorofluorocarbons, which are used in the production of refrigerators and aerosol cans, rise to the upper layers of the atmosphere and destroy the ozone layer. Dangerous "ozone holes" have recently been discovered over the Arctic and Antarctic, and their number continues to increase. Exhaust fumes contain nitrogen oxides, and the burning of coal in power plants releases sulfur dioxide. These substances combine with water in the air to form acids, which then precipitate in the rain. Acid rain destroys buildings and destroys forests and ponds. New technology can reduce emissions, but it requires enormous costs. Poisonous and other hazardous waste is often buried. In this case, they kill all life around them by spreading water. The North Sea, once rich in fish, is now almost completely poisoned.
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