My favourite restaurant is Sanpaolo. It is located in the city of Kiev. This restaurant I like because it serves delicious desserts. My favorite is the French dessert «Mi Amor». I even know how to cook it.
Ingredients: flour, butter, powdered sugar, eggs, salt, raspberries, sugar, cream.
First you need to prepare yourself tart. Softened butter RUB with powdered sugar and a pinch of salt. Add the egg, mix well. Add the flour and knead the dough. The dough roll into a ball and wrap in plastic wrap. To put it in the fridge for half an hour. After half an hour, remove from refrigerator and roll out a circle. To move the circle on the form to align the form. To pierce with a fork. Cover the dough with parchment paper and spread the parchment beans (or peas, etc.). This is to ensure that the dough did not rise. Put in a preheated 180 degree oven and bake for 15-20 minutes until Golden brown.
For the filling you need: wash the berries and RUB through a sieve. Work raspberry puree. In a separate metal bowl, mix eggs and sugar. Add the butter and cream. Then put this mixture in a water bath and added a little raspberry puree. The mixture need to stir constantly. The oil should be liquid, then the mixture gradually starts to thicken. Don't forget to stir the cream with a whisk. After 15 minutes the mixture should thicken. Remove the bowl from the water bath and put into cold water. At the same time, constantly whisk, until complete cooling of the cream. Pour the cream in the tart. Put bake in a preheated 160 degree oven for 30 min.
everyone loves travel, because it is so exciting and interesting. If I had the opportunity to go anywhere in the world, I would choose Japan. I think that I would take my family and my closest friends with me. We would stay at a hotel. Japan is an amazing country. most of all I would like to visit Tokyo. Neon signs everywhere, electric doors, taxi doors that opened on their own and also I think that I would visit Yayoi Kusama (яой кусама ) museum. the 1st floor is the entrance and gift shop, and 2nd&3rd floors are an exhibition space for Kisama’s art works. The 4th floor serves as a hands-on installations space, and 5th floor is the space for a reading room and storing documents related to her and her art works including outdoor space. And also I would visit Tsukishima Monja (Цукисима моня)Street.It’s Tokyo’s most popular local food. The dish might look weird and unpleasant at first, but i think it’s taste much better than it looks! To sum up I would like to say that traveling is an amazing way to know more about different places, cultures and also brings us good memories.
ответ:100 words 20 minutes 2.5 minutes 1.7 minutes
125 words 25 minutes 3.1 minutes 2.1 minutes
250 words 50 minutes 6.3 minutes 4.2 minutes
500 words 100 minutes 12.5 minutes 8.3 minutes
600 words 120 minutes 15.0 minutes 10.0 minutes
750 words 150 minutes 18.8 minutes 12.5 minutes
800 words 160 minutes 20.0 minutes 13.3 minutes
1,000 words 200 minutes 25.0 minutes 16.7 minutes
1,500 words 300 minutes 37.5 minutes 25.0 minutes
2,000 words 400 minutes 50.0 minutes 33.3 minutes
2,500 words 500 minutes 62.5 minutes 41.7 minutes
3,000 words 600 minutes 75.0 minutes 50.0 minutes
3,500 words 700 minutes 87.5 minutes 58.3 minutes
4,000 words 800 minutes 100.0 minutes 66.7 minutes
5,000 words 1,000 minutes 125.0 minutes 83.3 minutes
7,500 words 1,500 minutes 187.5 minutes 125.0 minutes
10,000 words 33.3 hours 250.0 minutes 166.7 minutes
20,000 words 66.7 hours 8.3 hours 333.3 minutes
25,000 words 83.3 hours 10.4 hours 416.7 minutes
30,000 words 100.0 hours 12.5 hours 8.3 hours
50,000 words 166.7 hours 20.8 hours 13.9 hours
75,000 words 250.0 hours 31.3 hours 20.8 hours
100,000 words 333.3 hours 41.7 hours 27.8 hours