There are 12 of the zodiac signs in total. The first sign of the zodiac is Aries. People born under this sign are known for their stubborn temper, vigor and determination. Whereas the Taurus are value the material side of life: money, clothes, food. They love comfort. The third sign is Gemini. They are easy to make new acquaintances and have a lot of friends. People who are Cancers, on the contrary, are reserved and difficult persons. However, they can boast about their good intuition that guides them throughout the whole life. Next comes love being Lions who love to be in the spotlight. People of this sign tend to have great artistic taste. For Virgo it is typical to have the sense of duty and responsibility. They are careful and workaholics. The eighth sign of the zodiac is Scorpio. From the first sight these people seem to be cold and sober, but in fact they are full of emotions. Sagittarius are born to be adventure-minded ventures. They can be excellent teachers and scientists. People born under the sign of Capricorn are ambitious and always calculate any risks. The next is the Aquarius with their unconventional approach to life and ingenuity. Finally, Pisces, who are brilliant at the creative professions: dancers, artists, writers.
4)the chimney
5)the north pole
7)a fur coat
8)into children’s stockings
12)christmas songs
13)cookies and milk
15)christmas tree