2. Russian -> English:
Мясо - meat, ферма - farm, домашняя птица - poultry, курица - chicken, говядина - beef, сельскохозяйственная промышленность - agricultural industry, исключать мясо из рациона - reject meat from diet, вегетарианец - vegetarian, голодание - starvation, производство пищи - production of fооd, урожай злаковых - cerеal harvest, кормить - feed.
3. Find the words in the text that match the definitions given below:
a) killing of many animals, often cruelly - slaughter
b) animals kept on a farm - livestock
c) food like wheat or corn - cerеal
d) to care for animals in order to use them for food - rear
e) gathering crops on a farm - harvest
f) chickens and other farm birds - poultry
g) dying because of lack of food - starving
The culture of Russia is the cumulative culture of countries and nationalities living on the territory of the Soviet Union. Theatrical art, cinematography, and fine arts developed intensively. In some periods, the development of cultures of ethnic minorities, national cultures was encouraged. The Russian Empire, due to historical circumstances throughout its existence, willingly borrowed many elements of Western European culture and customs. As a result, in the understanding of the "Western" observer, the cultural level of the overwhelming population of Russia was low. However, it is impossible to overestimate the contribution of leading Russian figures to world culture.
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